I am giving up my (almost) life long hobby of building and flying model aircraft.  From an early age of balsa cement, razor blades, tissue covering and winding rubber motors, through the dawn of proportional radio control and up to turbine powered jets. Then a period of skills decline as age and infirmity took its toll. I finally took the hint after a series of crashes nearly all of which were caused by my being unable to emulate my skills of old, so I sold my remaining models and my stocks of building materials.  This left a myriad of modelling tools, components and accessories which I have now catalogued and can offer for sale.

It will take me a while to get this website up to scratch, so I apologise for its amateurish look and feel.  However I have managed to upload all the items that I have for sale. Detailed descriptions remain to be created, but you can view and find everything by selecting  "Sales - Modelling" from the menu above.

It's sad that I have to finally give up my lifetime (on and off) hobby, but being now in my octogenerian year, it's time to lower the curtain and exit.