I'm giving up building or flying model aircraft. I have already sold my models, building materials and some tools. Nevertheless I still have much more modelling tools, airframe and radio accessories, electric flight motors and ESC's, FrSky receivers and telemetry modules and much more. These are items that I have acquired over some the years, and which I no longer need. So, I am offering everything for sale through this website.
It will take me a while to list everything and it will be an ongoing project for some time as and when I can get on to it. You can access the current list by selecting "Sales - Modelling" from the menu above.
I'm giving up building or flying model aircraft. I have already sold my models and building materials. Nevertheless I still have much more modelling "stuff" which I have acquired over the years and which I no longer need. So, I am offering everything for sale through this website. Quite a few items in this listing will be difficult or impossible to find nowadays.
Please bear in mind that I am not a commercial business or a trader. Everything listed on this site is my own property. Right now (August 2024), I am concentrating on photographing, pricing and getting items prepared for listing. I will be concentrating on getting the photographs uploaded first, and full descriptions and prices will follow. In the meantime, please don't hesitate to contact me with any queries using the contact form menu option.
It's sad that I have to finally give up my lifetime (on and off) hobby, but being now in my late 70's it's that time to lower the curtain and exit.